We recognize the crucial role every business must play in creating a Future-Fit Society – one that is environmentally restorative, socially just and economically inclusive – and we are committed to playing our part.
Read all about our intention to be a Future-Fit Business in our Sustainability Report: SEABRIDGE SDG report 2023.

We aspire to become Future-Fit Business because we believe that our long-term success is tied to the value we provide to society. That means we must eliminate all of the potential negative impacts associated with what we buy, what we sell, and what we do.
We Aim for a Sustainable Future
In recent years, our upstream transportation changes have significantly reduced our environmental impact. Switching transport between Antwerp and Zeebrugge from trucks to inland barges cut emissions by over 100 tons CO2e annually,
even before calculating our carbon footprint.
We’ve invested in PV solar panels on our warehouse roof, generating renewable energy and reducing emissions. We aim to further reduce upstream transportation impacts and will phase out fossil fuel vehicles (Scope 1). Our capital investments (Scope 3) will follow our business strategy, potentially causing temporary impacts.
We will also explore ways to reduce the impact of purchased goods and services.
Our goal is to halve emissions in Scopes 1, 2, and 3 by 2030, aligning with the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal.
Circular Economy Initiatives
Aligned with ESRS E5 and Future-Fit goals, our circular economy pathway manages operational and packaging waste. We’ve achieved excellent results in sorting waste for reuse or recycling. We use recyclable jute and polypropylene bags for coffee repackaging, reuse pallets, and recycle wrapping film.
Through these initiatives, we are committed to minimizing waste, maximizing recycling,
and continually improving our sustainability practices.
Social responsibility
Our Commitment to Social Responsibility
At Seabridge, we prioritize good health and well-being, addressing both physical and mental aspects. We are committed to respecting the development opportunities of every individual contributing to our high-quality services.
We conduct due diligence on social conditions, ensuring respect for human rights throughout the upstream value chain. Continuous training is essential to meet our high ambitions for innovation and growth.
By fostering a supportive and respectful environment, we aim to create a positive impact on our employees, partners,
and the communities we serve.