At the beginning of 2022, SEABRIDGE planted 900 native (cacao)trees in the Dominican Republic to help restore the Northern Ecological Mountain Corridor. This was a colab with Zorzal Cacao and SILVA Cacao.

SEABRIDGE plants 900 trees in the Dominican Republic


Forests slow down climate change and are the main reservoir for terrestrial biodiversity. Unfortunately, deforestation is one of the biggest threats to our planet. Conserving healthy forests and restoring damaged ones are among the most powerful and cost-effective climate change mitigation tools we have. Thousands of hectares of forest are gradually disappearing. That’s why SEABRIDGE decided to give the forest ecosystem a helping hand and  teamed up with ZORZAL Cacao en SILVA Cacao to plant 900 trees with an impact in the Dominican Republic.


✔️ Purpose | WHY did SEABRIDGE decide to plant trees ?

Contribute to create a continuous 200 km ecological corridor where flora and fauna can flourish. The corridor is a passageway for animals to migrate and increase their territory. The newly planted trees are also a carbon sink to capture CO₂ from the atmosphere and help to mitigate climate change.

✔️ Location | WHERE were the trees planted ?

The trees were planted at 19°25’50’’ N, 70° 10’25’. While this area is not completely deforested, there are some notable gaps where forest has been cut down. By replanting trees in those areas, we contribute to create a continuous 200 km ecological corridor where flora and fauna can flourish. The corridor is a passageway for animals to migrate and increase their territory. The newly planted trees are also a carbon sink to capture  CO₂ from the atmosphere and help to mitigate climate change.

✔️ Tree Varieties | WHAT kind of trees were planted ?

In order to maximize the CO2 capturing capacity and biodiversity of this area, it was decided to plant a mix of native trees, including some large trees with a large canopy, as well as faster and slower growing plant species. The trees with the large canopy, Stercculia, Ceiba, and Hura species are planted every 12 meters. In between these larger trees the slower growing species, Carapa, Callophyllum, Catalpa, Ocotea, Guarea, etc. are planted. The fast growing species, Simarouba, Inga, Coloubrina, Cedrela and Schefflera, are situated every 3 meters.

✔️ Action & Progress | Status | WHERE are we now ?

The tree seeds were raised in a nursery at the start of 2022, where a team from Zorzal took care of the seedlings. Because seedlings love a good hydrating flush of water, the planting took place in the rain season from April to September.
The farmers living along the corridor planted the trees, they worked hard to restore the forest corridor and were compensated accordingly.

✔️ Action & Progress | Status | WHERE are we now ?

The tree seeds were raised in a nursery at the start of 2022, where a team from Zorzal took care of the seedlings. Because seedlings love a good hydrating flush of water, the planting took place in the rain season from April to September.

SEABRIDGE plants 900 trees in the Dominican Republic
SEABRIDGE plant 900 trees with an impact
SEABRIDGE plants 900 trees in the Dominican Republic
SEABRIDGE plant 900 trees with an impact

✔️ Action & Progress | Status Update October 2023 

The farmers living along the corridor planted the trees, they worked hard to restore the forest corridor and were compensated accordingly.

SEABRIDGE - Zorzal - 900 trees in the Dominican Republic
SEABRIDGE - Zorzal - 900 trees in the Dominican Republic
SEABRIDGE - Zorzal - 900 trees in the Dominican Republic
SEABRIDGE - Zorzal - 900 trees in the Dominican Republic - October 2023 update
SEABRIDGE - Zorzal - 900 trees in the Dominican Republic
SEABRIDGE - Zorzal - 900 trees in the Dominican Republic
SEABRIDGE - Zorzal - 900 trees in the Dominican Republic - October 2023 update


This newly planted corridor of 900 trees in the Dominican Republic ensures CO₂ compensation and diversification of the ecosystem.

This tree planting action contributes to the following Global Goals:

SEABRIDGE plants 900 trees in the Dominican Republic

SDG #13 – Climate Action – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Positive Pursuit – Greenhouse gases are removed from the atmosphere
SEABRIDGE contributed financially to the planting of 900 trees.
An average forest of 900 trees takes about 21,6 tons of CO₂ from the air, every year.

SEABRIDGE plants 900 trees in the Dominican Republic

SDG #15 – Life on Land
Reversing man-made deforestation and desertification to sustain all life on earth.
This 900 SEABRIDGE tree project restores and promotes the sustainable use of Dominican ecosystems, sustainably manages forests, combats desertification, and halts land degradation and loss of biodiversity.


Zorzal - Conservation

Silva Cacao - A Better Cacao World

United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals

Seabridge - Commitment

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