In a previous initiative, SEABRIDGE teamed up with the City of Bruges and BOS+, to establish a new 12-hectare forest in Bruges. Currently, SEABRIDGE has chosen to endorse a reforestation initiative in Couthuin, situated in the municipality of Héron, Belgium. Through a partnership with GO FOREST, SEABRIDGE has successfully planted 360 trees, contributing to the local environment’s improvement and long-term sustainability.
✔️ Purpose | WHY did SEABRIDGE decide to plant trees ?
Over the past 50 years, we have lost more than 67% of the planet’s total biodiversity. Deforestation removes 27 football fields of forest every minute and can be directly attributed to 15% of our global greenhouse gas emissions. Making a significant impact for the better is important to us.
Thousands of hectares of vast forest areas are also threatened in Belgium. SEABRIDGE is a logistics company located on an industrial estate in the port zone. Unfortunately, we do not have the space or options to plant trees ourselves. We are aware that the Belgian forests could use some support and have started looking for a great Belgian initiative; After all, we live and work in Belgium. This is the driving force behind our collaboration with GO FOREST, where we join forces to lend a helping hand to the forest ecosystem in Belgium.
SEABRIDGE finds a great, like-minded partner in GO FOREST, who both attach great importance to biodiversity, sustainability, the climate and the environment. SEABRIDGE has selected a local project and also wants to increase awareness among its employees with this reforestation campaign. Forests and nature are ideal healthy environments for walking and exercising, relaxing, exploring with your children…
✔️ Location | WHERE will the trees be planted ?
This reforestation project of 0.5 ha is located in Couthuin, in the municipality Héron, Belgium. Couthuin, part of the arrondissement of Huy, experienced mining and quarrying activity from the Middle Ages until the end of 1947. This region is very focused on agriculture, so we can find some forest there but to a lesser extent than the land used for agriculture.
This forest area has been invaded by ferns and the natural regeneration of a forest is almost absent. Without intervention, the situation will not improve and trees will not be able to develop properly.
Details: Altitude (m): 180-190 | Soil type: Loam with favourable natural drainage | Composition of the previous stand: Scots pine
✔️ Tree Varieties | WHAT kind of trees were planted ?
GO Forest will be planting 800 new trees: 600 hornbeams and 200 chestnut trees. The goal is to restore the forest cover in this area. The hardwood tree species must diversify and help in the fight against climate change.
This tree planting action contributes to the following Global Goals:
SDG#13 Climate Action: Protecting and enhancing CO2 emission sinks and preventing emissions from forest degradation.
SDG#15 Life on Land: Restoration and preservation of forest and biodiversity in vital water ecosystem.
SDG#17 Partnerships for the Goals: Activation of multistakeholder partnerships for reforestation.